Spearfishing Equipment You Might Needed

By. Nevanda - 13 Mar 2023


integrasimakanan.id - Here is the equipment that commonly used in spearfishing. Although not all of it is necessary and spearfishing is often done with minimal gear.


1.    Speargun
Speargun is an underwater fishing gear designed to fire a spear at fish. The most common spearguns are powered by natural latex rubber bands.


2.    Polespear 
Polespear, or also known as hand spears, consist of long shaft with pointe end and an elastic loop at the other end for propulsion. They come in wide variety like aluminium or titanium metal, fiberglass and carbon fiber


3.    Hawaiian Sling
Hawaiian sling is an elastic band that attached to a tube, through which a spear is launched.


4.    Wet Suit
Wet suits design that mostly used in spearfishing are often two-pieces that include jacket and high waisted pants with shoulder straps. The color of it usually black or fully or partially camouflage.


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5.    Weigh Belt or Weight Vest
This weight belt are use to compensate for wetsuit buoyancy and help the diver descend into the certain depth. 


6.    Fins
Fins that used in freedive spearfishing are much longer than the one used in scuba to aid fast ascent.


7.    Knife
A knife is carried as a safety precaution in case the diver becomes tangled in a spearline or floatline.


8.    Ikejime
Ikejime is a Japanese term and is a method traditionally used by Japanese fishermen. It is usually made of sharpened metal spike that can be used to kill fish quickly and humanely. 


9.    Buoy or Floats
A buoy is usually tethered to the spearfisher’s speargun or directly to the spear. A buoy helps to subdue large fish, it also can help in storing fish. But the more important role of buoy is as a safety device to warn boat drivers that there is diver in the area.


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10.    Floatline
A floatline connects the buoy to the speargun or to the weight-belt.


11.    Gloves
Gloves is used to protect the hands when retrieving fish from coral or rock crevices and when loading the bands on rubber powered spearguns and from the teeth and spines of struggling fish.


12.    Fish Stringer
Used to store speared fish while diving, it is usually made from cable, cord, string or monofilament that terminated by a loop at one end and a large stainless-steel pin at the other end.


13.    Snorkel and Diving Mask
Snorkels and diving masks that used in spearfishing is similar to those for scuba diving.


14.    Diver Down Flag
Diver down flag or dive flag is a safety flag used on the water surface to indicate other boats that there is diver below.


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