Ribbonfish Appearance

By. Nevanda - 13 Mar 2023


integrasimakanan.id - Ribbonfish are any lampriform fishes that belong to the Trachipteridae family. These fish are pelagic fish that has slim and ribbon-like body. They are rarely seen alive as they typically live in deep waters, though they are not bottom feeders. Ribbonfish can be found in ocean like Atlantic and Pacific, also in the Mediterranean Sea. Other place where ribbonfish found is in Iceland, Scotland, and Scandinavian area. Its length usually about 1.5 – 3 metres, but in come case can be found up over 6 metres.  


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The ribbonfish are easily recognized by their body shape — a long, compressed, tape-like body, short head, narrow mouth and feeble teeth. The whole back is occupied with a high dorsal fin. An anal fin is absent, and if there is caudal fin, it consists of two fascicles of rays of which the upper is prolonged and directed upward. The pectoral fins are small and the pelvic fins composed of several rays, or one long ray only. This fish has heavy spines along their lateral lines, and many lumps in the skin. Ribbonfish has all the characteristics of fish who lived at very great depths. The membrane that connecting their fins are very delicate and brittle structure. 


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They move in a serpentine way, relying on their bodies’ undulations and their dorsal fin to propel them through the water. Their diet mainly consist of fish, squid, and small marine invertebrates. They have interesting characteristic which their jaws can significantly protrude when they are eating. This fish can be found from near-shore waters to 92 metres deep. Ribbonfish like to live in a water with muddy bottom. 

Trachipterus ishikawae, one of the ribbonfish species, are called as “earthquake fish” in Taiwan. This happen because these fish is believed will appear following major earthquake. They allegedly have sensitivity to disturbances in the ocean floor.


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