- Cleaning the squid means to separating its edible and inedible part in addition to wash and preparing it before cooking. Here’s some steps you can follow clean a whole squid
1. Start with whole squid either fresh or frozen, if you have frozen squid thaw them first, then clean it
2. Remove the squid head and innards by pulling the head out of the mantle. You can use bare hands or wear clean gloves. To pull it you will have to hold the mantle on one hand and the head on another hand. Pull those two appart with a slightly twisting it. The innards of the squid will come out along with the head.
3. Remove the ink sack if you don’t want to use it. Look for some black sack in the innards and before you take it is best to use glove and cover porous surface because squid ink can leave a stain. Remove the ink sack using a small sharp knife then drain it into small bowl with a small amount of water.
Read also: Squid Ink Purposes and Uses
4. Cut the tentacles by placing a knife just under the squid eyes and cut all the way through to detach tentacles from its head.
5. Search for the squid beak at the base at the tentacles. You must remove it because the beak is made from keratin that is inedible and cannot be digest. To remove it simply just squeeze the are behind the beak and the beak would come off.
6. Remove the cartilage inside the mantle. This cartilage is called cuttlebone and look like a piece of clear plastics, it is inedible. Put your two finger into the squid mantle and search for something that feels solid, then grip the cuttlebone, it should be easy to pull.
7. Next is removing the skin membrane. This squid skin is edible so you can choose to keep it or peel it for more clean look. The skin is easy to peel away from the flesh, but if you need assist you could make shallow cut into the skin to get started.
8. Last but not least, wash the tentacles and the mantles thoroughly. You can use it for cook in any of your desired dish. Make sure don’t overcook the squid or it will be chewy.
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