Step by Step to Cook Fresh Crab Properly

By. Nevanda - 30 Aug 2023

img Cooking fresh crabs can be a delightful culinary adventure. From choosing the liveliest catch to infusing flavors that accentuate the ocean's essence, this article is your compass to navigating the crab cooking with finesse and flavor. Here are some tips to help you prepare and cook fresh crabs:


1. Choose Fresh Crabs

  • Select live crabs from a reputable source. They should be lively, active, and have a strong, fresh ocean smell.
  • Check for signs of molting (soft shells) as these are easier to eat, but they have less meat.

2. Prepare a Boiling Pot

  • Use a large pot with a lid that can comfortably accommodate the crabs.
  • Fill the pot about two-thirds full with water and bring it to a rolling boil.

3. Add Flavors to the Boiling Water

  • Enhance the flavor of the crab by adding ingredients like bay leaves, lemon slices, whole garlic cloves, and spices (such as black peppercorns, red pepper flakes, and coriander seeds) to the boiling water.


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4. Handle Crabs Safely

  • Hold crabs from behind, away from their pincers, to avoid getting pinched.
  • You can use tongs or wear gloves to handle crabs if you're uncomfortable.

5. Submerge the Crabs

  • Gently place the crabs into the boiling water, headfirst. You can do this one at a time to prevent a sudden drop in temperature.

6. Boiling Time

  • The boiling time depends on the size of the crabs. For medium-sized crabs, around 15 minutes should be sufficient. Larger crabs may require a few extra minutes.

7. Cooking Time Variations

  • If you're planning to clean and crack the crabs afterward, you can slightly undercook them and then finish cooking while cracking.
  • If you're planning to serve the crabs immediately, cook them fully.


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8. Test for Doneness

  • Crabs are cooked when their shells turn a bright orange-red color and the meat is white and opaque. A small incision in the shell near a leg joint will also reveal cooked meat.

9. Cool Down and Clean

  • Once cooked, remove the crabs from the boiling water and place them in a large bowl of ice water to cool down and stop the cooking process.

10. Clean and Crack

  • To clean and crack the crabs, remove the top shell, discard the gills ("dead man's fingers"), and rinse out any innards.
  • Gently crack the claws and legs with a crab cracker or a mallet to make it easier to access the meat.

11. Serve and Enjoy

  • Serve the cleaned crab meat with melted butter, garlic sauce, or your preferred dipping sauce.
  • Provide plenty of napkins, seafood utensils, and a bowl for discarding shells.


Remember, cooking crabs can be a messy but rewarding experience. Enjoy the delicious and delicate flavors of fresh crab meat with your favorite accompaniments.


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