Here are 10 Fun Facts of Mantis Shrimp

By. Nevanda - 23 Aug 2023


integrasimakanan.idMantis shrimp are fascinating creatures known for their vibrant colors, incredible vision, and powerful strikes. Here are some fun facts about them:


1.    Colorful Appearance
Mantis shrimp are famous for their brilliant and varied coloration. They can exhibit a wide range of colors, including vibrant shades of green, blue, red, and orange.

2.    Visual Abilities
Mantis shrimp possess one of the most complex and advanced visual systems in the animal kingdom. They have 12 to 16 types of photoreceptor cells (compared to humans' three), allowing them to see an extensive range of colors and even detect polarized light.

3.    Strike Force
Mantis shrimp have specialized raptorial appendages that they use to strike their prey with astonishing speed and force. They can accelerate these appendages at speeds comparable to a bullet fired from a gun, reaching up to 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour).


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4.    Predatory Skills
These creatures are skilled predators, feeding on a variety of prey, including small fish, crabs, and other crustaceans. Their powerful strikes can break through the shells of even the toughest prey.

5.    "Smashers" and "Spearers”
Mantis shrimp are often categorized into two main types based on their hunting techniques. "Smashers" have club-like appendages that they use to deliver a powerful blunt force to crush their prey. "Spearers" have spiky, spear-like appendages they use to impale and capture their prey.

6.    Communication
Mantis shrimp use visual signals for communication, including displays of their vibrant colors to signal aggression or attract mates. They can also communicate through body movements.

7.    Complex Behavior
These creatures exhibit complex behaviors, such as burrow building and maintaining territories. Some species are solitary, while others live in pairs or small groups.


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8.    Color Changes
Mantis shrimp can change their body colors in response to their surroundings, a process called chromatophore expansion. This ability helps them blend in with their environment or communicate with other mantis shrimp.

9.    Stronger Than Glass
The impact generated by a mantis shrimp's strike is so powerful that it can break glass aquarium walls if kept in captivity. This extraordinary force is a result of the specialized structure and mechanics of their appendages.

10.    Ancient Lineage
Mantis shrimp belong to the order Stomatopoda, which is one of the most ancient and diverse crustacean groups. They have been around for millions of years and have evolved to fill various ecological niches.


Mantis shrimp are truly remarkable creatures with unique adaptations and behaviors that continue to captivate researchers and enthusiasts alike.


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