- Mock recalls are used to test all steps of the recall procedure, including identifying where the product went. Mock recalls are routine exercises conducted by manufacturers, processors, distributors, and other various trading partners in the supply chain to assess their recall procedures and responsiveness. Mock recall shall be carried out for at least one batch of any product, dispatched for sale where maximum distributors are involved, to test the effectiveness of the arrangements of recall. The effectiveness of the recall procedure can also be checked by 'evaluation of a real recall'. Mock recall purposes are:
Classification product:
Category 1: Inexpediency will threaten the soul of human being
Category 2: Inexpediency potentially threatens the soul of human beings.
Category 3: Inexpediency potentially results in economic fraud.
While both the FDA and USDA have their own definitions of product recall classes, they follow the same general rule –
1= most serious/dangerous
2= potentially dangerous
3 = least dangerous.
Steps of a food product recall :
Notification record, the quantity of product that already drawn, problem resources, and correction measure. PT Kelola Laut Nusantara sets a policy of mock recalling products that are not suitable and have been circulated according to the category. Frequency: A mock recall must be completed a minimum of once a year or anytime there is a change in the personnel responsibilities as far as the person responsible for the completion of the mock recall. It usually requires 20 to 60 minutes to complete.