A Complete Guide to Deveining Shrimps

By. Nevanda - 24 Jul 2023


integrasimakanan.id - Deveining shrimp is a simple process that involves removing the digestive tract, also known as the "vein," from the back of the shrimp. While it is not harmful to eat the vein, it can sometimes contain grit or be unappetizing in appearance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to devein shrimp:

1.    Prepare the shrimp
If your shrimp are frozen, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight or under cold running water. Make sure they are fully thawed before proceeding. Remove the shells, leaving the tail intact if you prefer.


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2.    Create a shallow cut
Lay the shrimp flat on a cutting board with the back (or "top") facing up. Take a sharp paring knife or kitchen shears and create a shallow cut along the back from the head to the tail. Don't cut too deep; you want to expose the dark vein without cutting into the flesh too much.

3.    Locate the vein
After making the shallow cut, you should see a dark, sometimes black, line running along the back of the shrimp. This is the vein that you need to remove.

4.    Remove the vein
There are a couple of ways to remove the vein:

  • Using a paring knife: Gently lift the vein out with the tip of the knife. You can use the knife to scrape out the entire vein in one piece or pull it out with your fingers if it's accessible.
  • Using kitchen shears: Insert the tip of the shears under the vein and lift it out.


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5.    Rinse the shrimp
Once you've removed the vein, rinse the shrimp under cold running water to wash away any remaining bits.

6.    Pat dry
Use paper towels to pat the shrimp dry before cooking.


That's it! Now your shrimp are deveined and ready to be cooked in your favorite recipe. Deveining shrimp is a good practice to ensure the best taste and presentation, especially if you're preparing them for a special meal or guests.


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