- Fish drying method is one of the effective measures in fish preservation. In this process, the moisture content in the fish is significantly reduced, thereby inhibiting the growth of microorganisms that can cause spoilage. By reducing the moisture content, the shelf life of the fish can be extended, allowing the fish to remain edible for a longer period of time.
Here are some advantages of the fish drying method:
1. Increases shelf life
Drying fish reduces the moisture content in the fish, thereby inhibiting the growth of microorganisms that cause spoilage. By reducing the moisture content, the shelf life of the fish can be extended, allowing the fish to be stored longer without spoiling.
2. Concentration of nutrients
The process of drying fish reduces the amount of water, so the nutrients contained in the fish become more concentrated. This makes dried fish a food source rich in protein, omega-3, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are important for maintaining a healthy body and fulfilling nutritional needs.
3. Ease of storage and transportation
Dried fish is lighter in weight and smaller in size compared to fresh fish. This makes it easier to store and transport in large quantities. Dried fish is also more resistant to impact and physical damage during transportation.
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4. Formation of distinctive flavors
The process of drying fish can produce unique flavors and aromas. Some types of dried fish have a distinctive flavor and are favored by many people. For example, dried anchovies have a savory and crunchy taste that is highly appreciated in cooking.
5. Can be processed into various products
Dried fish can be processed into various food products such as shredded fish, fish crackers, or food additives such as seasoning or broth. This provides variety in the use of dried fish and increases its added value.
Despite these advantages, drying fish also has some disadvantages, such as the need for a long time to dry the fish completely, the loss of some nutrients due to heating and oxidation during the drying process, and the need for proper care so that the fish maintains its quality during storage.
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