- Fishermen use various methods to catch schools of sardines. The specific method employed can depend on factors such as the location, available resources, and the size of the sardine school. Here are a few common techniques used by fishermen to catch sardines:
1. Purse Seining
This is one of the most popular methods for catching sardines. It involves the use of a large net called a purse seine. The net is deployed around the school of sardines, encircling them. The bottom of the net is then drawn closed like a purse, trapping the fish inside. The net is then hauled on board the fishing vessel, capturing the entire school of sardines.
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2. Gillnetting
Gillnets are another common tool used to catch sardines. These nets are made of fine mesh and are suspended vertically in the water column using floats and weights. Sardines swimming into the net become entangled in the mesh by their gills, preventing them from escaping. Fishermen periodically check and retrieve the net to collect the caught sardines.
3. Trawling
Trawling involves dragging a large net called a trawl through the water. This method is often used when sardines are found at deeper depths. The net is towed behind the fishing vessel, either close to the surface or at a specific depth, depending on the behavior of the sardines. The trawl captures sardines as it is pulled through the water, and they are subsequently lifted onboard.
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4. Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs)
Fishermen sometimes deploy floating objects called FADs in the water, which act as artificial fish attractors. These devices can be anchored or drifting and are designed to attract fish, including sardines. When a school of sardines gathers around a FAD, fishermen can use purse seines or other methods to capture them.
It's important to note that different regions and fishing communities may employ variations of these methods or use specific techniques based on their local knowledge and regulations. Fishing practices should always adhere to sustainable fishing practices and follow local fishing guidelines to ensure the long-term viability of sardine populations and marine ecosystems.
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