The Thriving Squid Fishing Peak Season in Indonesia

By. Nevanda - 22 Jun 2023


integrasimakanan.idSquid holds significant commercial value in the fishing industry due to its popularity as a seafood delicacy and its versatility in various culinary preparations. Commercial fishing for squid targets both nearshore and offshore populations, depending on the species and fishing methods employed.

Squid fishing techniques often involve the use of specialized fishing gear, such as trawl nets, purse seine nets, or squid jigs. Trawl nets are commonly used for capturing squid in large quantities. These nets are towed through the water, capturing squid as they swim into the net. Purse seine nets are also employed in some regions, where the net is deployed around a school of squid and then drawn closed at the bottom, trapping the squid inside.


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As one of the many fishery resources found in Indonesia, squid is considered as one of the important catches that help the economy of coastal communities. In catching squid, fishermen usually have certain times to get the maximum catch. 

In the northern waters of Java, March through May and November are thought to be the peak season for squid fishing. This is based on research conducted in 2012, where in these months the squid catch was quite high. The determination of the squid fishing season is related to the abundance of squid in a body of water. However, it is not only the abundance of squid that affects the squid fishing season, but also the water and weather conditions that affect the squid catch. 

The occurrence of the fishing season in November is thought to be due to the nutrient-rich waters of the Java Sea during this month. The condition of these waters is due to nutrients from the Banda Sea being carried by currents to the Java Sea, causing the waters in the Java Sea to be rich in nutrient. These nutrient-rich waters attract squid to feed in this particular area.


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Meanwhile, in the Alas Strait, the squid fishing season in these waters will usually take place from October to March, with the peak season in November. Similarly, the squid fishing season in the waters of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara takes place from October to March.

It is worth noting that sustainable squid fishing practices are crucial to ensure the long-term health and abundance of squid populations and the marine ecosystems they inhabit. Sustainable fishing practices aim to minimize bycatch, protect vulnerable species, and maintain healthy population levels through proper management and regulations.


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