6 Surprising Animals Often Caught As Bycatch

By. Nevanda - 16 Jun 2023


integrasimakanan.idBycatch is a term used to describe non-target animals that are trapped or caught accidentally in the process of catching certain target species, such as fish or shrimp. Some types of animals that are often bycatch include:

1.    Seabirds
Seabirds such as albatrosses, pelicans and seagulls are often caught in fishing nets operating near the surface of the water.

2.    Sea Turtles
Sea turtles are often caught in fishing nets or caught in fishing lines left adrift in the ocean.


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3.    Marine Mammals
Dolphins, whales and seals are examples of marine mammals that are often victims of bycatch. They can get caught in fishing nets or injured by other fishing gear such as fishing traps.

4.    Sharks
Sharks are often caught in fishing nets or in fishing gear such as fishing lines and fishing traps.

5.    Turtles
Some species of turtles, such as tortoises, can get caught in fishing nets or in fishermen's traps.

6.    Non-Target Fish
Many non-target fish, including rare or endangered species, are caught in fishing nets intended for other species.


Bycatch is a serious problem as it can lead to population declines and ecosystem damage. Conservation efforts and the use of species-selective fishing gear can help reduce bycatch levels in the fishing industry.


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Some efforts that can be made to help reduce the occurrence of bycatch include the creation of regulations regarding the type of animals caught. Increased fisheries monitoring and regulation by the competent authority can help reduce bycatch. Implementing catch quotas, net size limits, or temporary closures of areas with high bycatch rates can help protect non-target animals.

Training fishers on environmentally friendly fishing practices and bycatch management can help reduce the number of non-target animals caught. This training could include recognizing species that are often bycatch, safe handling techniques, and selective use of fishing gear.


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