8 Fishing Vessel You Should Know

By. Nevanda - 12 Jun 2023


integrasimakanan.id - There are various types of fishing vessels designed for different fishing techniques and environments. Here are some common types of fishing vessels:


1.    Trawlers
These vessels are equipped with large nets called trawls that are dragged along the seabed or through the water column. Trawlers are used for bottom trawling, midwater trawling, and pelagic trawling.


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2.    Purse Seiners
Purse seiners are used in commercial fishing to catch fish in large quantities. They use a large net called a purse seine that is deployed around a school of fish, and then the bottom of the net is drawn closed like a purse to trap the fish.

3.    Longliners
Longline fishing vessels use long lines with baited hooks that are suspended in the water column or near the ocean floor. They target species such as tuna, swordfish, and halibut. Longliners can be small coastal vessels or large factory ships.

4.    Gillnetters
Gillnetters use gillnets, which are nets made of fine mesh that hang vertically in the water. Fish swim into the nets and become entangled by their gills. Gillnetters are commonly used for catching species like salmon, herring, and cod.


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5.    Lobster Boats 
These specialized vessels are designed for trapping and harvesting lobsters. They typically have a hauling system to retrieve lobster traps and storage tanks to keep the catch alive.

6.    Drifters
Drifters are small, open boats used for drift-net fishing. They deploy long nets that float freely in the water and catch fish by entangling them. Drift-netting is often used for catching species such as herring and mackerel.

7.    Tuna Seiners
Tuna seiners are specialized vessels that use large nets called purse seines to encircle schools of tuna. The nets are then closed at the bottom to trap the fish, and they are hauled aboard using cranes or winches.

8.    Crabbers
Crab fishing vessels are specifically designed for trapping and harvesting crabs, such as king crabs and snow crabs. They often have hydraulic systems to lift and empty crab pots.


These are just a few examples of fishing vessel types, and there are many more variations depending on the specific fishing methods, target species, and regional practices.


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