These Are 11 Fishing Area Of Indonesia

By. Nevanda - 11 Apr 2023

img - Based on the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Number 18 of 2014 concerning Fishing Administrative Areas of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia's sovereign waters are divided into 11 Fishing Administrative Areas. The determination of fisheries management areas is based on the physical, ecological and marine conditions of Indonesian waters.


Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 18 of 2014 concerning Fisheries Management Areas of the Republic of Indonesia defines WPP RI as fisheries management areas in the fields of fisheries, fish farming, conservation, fisheries research and development including freshwater fisheries and islands. Indonesia's territorial sea, additional zone and exclusive economic zone. The entire fishing management area is then divided into 11 management areas. 


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The 11 fisheries management areas of the State of Indonesia that have been stipulated in the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 18 of 2014 are as follows:

  1. WPPNRI 571 covers the waters of the Malacca Strait and Andaman Sea
  2. WPPNRI 572 covers the waters of the Indian Ocean West of Sumatra and Sunda Strait
  3. WPPNRI 573 covers the waters of the Indian Ocean south of Java to south of Nusa Tenggara, the Sawu Sea, and the West Timor Sea
  4. WPPNRI 711 covers the waters of the Karimata Strait, Natuna Sea, and South China Sea
  5. WPPNRI 712 covers the waters of the Java Sea
  6. WPPNRI 713 covers the waters of the Makassar Strait, Bone Bay, Flores Sea, and Bali Sea
  7. WPPNRI 714 covers the waters of Tolo Bay and Banda Sea
  8. WPPNRI 715 covers the waters of Tomini Bay, Maluku Sea, Halmahera Sea, Seram Sea and Berau Bay
  9. WPPNRI 716 covers the waters of Sulawesi Sea and the North of Halmahera Island
  10. WPPNRI 717 covers the waters of Cendrawasih Bay and the Pacific Ocean
  11. WPPNRI 718 covers the waters of the Aru Sea, Arafuru Sea, and Eastern Timor Sea


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The division of fisheries management areas aims to ensure the sustainability of Indonesia's fisheries resources and minimize unsustainable fishing actions. In addition, the division of fisheries management areas is also carried out to provide opportunities for local communities to manage fisheries resources sustainably.


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