- The Atlantic halibut is found in the eastern and western parts of the North Atlantic. It is the largest flatfish, and the most massive individuals may reach a length of about 4.7 metres and a weight of 320 kg. It is brown, blackish, or deep green on the eyed side and, like most other flatfishes, usually white on the blind side.
Atlantic Halibut have a relatively slow growth rate and late onset of sexual maturity, with males attaining maturity at seven to eight years old, females at 10 to 11 years, and individuals averagely live around 25 to 30 years old. The oldest to have been caught was 50 years old. This marine fish usually lives on the ocean floor at depths between 50 and 2,000 m, but it occasionally comes closer to the surface.
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Due to its popularity as a food fish, Atlantic halibut has attracted investment in fish farming. As of 2006, five countries—Canada, Norway, the UK, Iceland and Chile—were engaged in some form of Atlantic halibut aquaculture production.
Here are 7 interesting facts about this flatfish:
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