- The blue-ringed octopus is one of the interesting marine creatures that you can find. At the first glance, this tiny creature looks perfectly harmless. Their bright and colorful body make it look more adorable rather than alarmning. But don’t be fooled with their cuddly exterior, the bite of blue-ringed octopus is one of the deadliest in the world. And it is even just come from a tiny sized creature!
Here are some facts about this unique marine creature:
1. They are lethal enough to kill 26 people
Blue-ringed octopus known as the only octopus that is poisonous to humans. Most common blue-ringed octopi carry enough poison that can kill 26 people, all in short period of time just within a few minutes. They inject their venom by a relatively painless bite, and will leave two small puncture wounds
2. One of the most aggressive species of octopus
They willing to fight with other Octopus in the area to be able to keep their food and shelter to themselves
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3. They have two types of venom
The blue-ringed octopus is known to have two different types of venom in their saliva. One of the venoms is used to kill their prey, whilst the other is used as defence mechanism. They primarily feeding on small crustaceans during the night, the octopus will wait until the venom has spread throughout their prey’s body before consuming it
4. They have short life span
These animals have a short life span of only about 2 years. During the reproductive process, both the male and the female die. The male dies soon after mating, while the females will die because of starvation for guarding their eggs
5. The rings aren’t always visible
When they are at rest, their rings are often not visible or are very faint. The rings will become bright blue and clearly visible especially when they feels threatened
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