5 Spearfishing Tips for You

By. Nevanda - 15 Mar 2023


integrasimakanan.id - Spearfishing or free diving with a spear gun, now become one of the most popular outdoor sports. This activity combines the joy of underwater exploration, the thrill to hunt a fish and calming vibes beneath the surface. The person who does spearfishing is often called a spearo.

Spearfishing also can be challenging as you have to hold your breath for a long period of time. You have to understand spearfishing techniques as well in order to succeed in your quest. 


Read also: Spearfishing: Catching Fish Sustainably

Here are some tips you can prepare to increase your knowledge about this activity. Let’s dive in,

•    Know the Water Pattern
Before you jump in the water, you should learn the water pattern in your desire spot. You can do some research by asking the local where the suitable spot for beginner and how the water pattern on that certain area. Beginner spots usually not deeper than 6 metres deep


•    Dive in Area You’re Familiar With
Do some research on certain area that you wish to do spearfishing on. It is also good idea if you join other spearos that have more experience than you. You can learn all the local spearfishing spots from them. In some case, there are certain area that might have more laws than others


•    Prepare The Right Spearfishing Gears
Choose the fins and mask that you most comfortable with, because you will spend some times in the water. Pick the correct polespear also important for you to shot precisely. There are many kind of polespear and they vary in length, flexibility, weight, and warranty. You must consider other equipment as well like, wetsuit, speargun, buoy, weight belt, etc


Read also: Spearfishing Equipment You Might Needed


•    Know the Importance of Knife
One of the most useful gear to do spearfishing is a knife. When used correctly, a knife can give so much help to free divers from engtanglements of other under water obstructions. In other case, a knife can be used to swiftly and humanely kill the fish


•    Know Your Spot
The main purpose of spearfishing is to get closer to your target fish. In order to success, you have to be able to control your move in the water. Always keep an eye to your surrounding to because big rocks, coral reefs, or other obstructing object can be dangerous for you.


Read also: Here Are 10 Fun Facts About Needlefish

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